Experiential Learning and Mobility


Within EUNICE, the University of the Peloponnese co-leads in collaboration with the Polytechnic Institute of Viseu, Portugal (leader), the Experiential Learning and Mobility “work package”. The tasks and sub-tasks  included in this package are oriented towards the inter-cultural experience offered by the diversity of Europe and foster experiential forms of learning through interdisciplinary, multicultural and multilingual learning experiences. The aim is to create and implement alternative forms of learning, such as cultural events, summer schools, summer experiential camps and research groups, in close collaboration with the students. Of equal importance and priority is the strengthening of mobility through the promotion of a common strategy for inclusive and "green" mobility.


News - Announcements

Visit of professors from the Polytechnic Institute of Viseu, Portugal
University of the Peloponnese participates in the EUNICE General Assembly
Welcomed incoming Erasmus+ undergraduate students from Spain and Portugal